2023-07-20 13:31:14
近日,由葡萄酒大师JancisRobinson发起成立的葡萄酒老藤数据网站Old Vine Registry正式发布。用户和酒庄可以自行填写证明信息,符合35岁+的葡萄园就可以被认证为老藤地块。目前该网站针对所有单位和团体免费。
据了解,截至日前已经认证的老藤园地块中,葡萄牙、西班牙和美国分别以822块、383块和334块位居前三,澳洲与法国分占208块与142块。 Old Vine Registry网站地址为:www.oldvineregistry.org
来源:酒展网 2023-07-10 13:54 发表于上海

深圳葡萄酒供应商有哪些非常高兴的得知,我们的合作酒庄科里玛萨利(ColleMassari)的干红葡萄酒获得了葡萄酒行业最有影响力的酒评家之一杰西丝·罗宾逊的高度评价。We are delighted to hear that our partner winery ColleMassari Rosso Riserva has received a very positive rating from one of the most influential commentators in the wine business, Jancis Robinson.
杰西丝·罗宾逊女士是英国知名葡萄酒作家和评论家,1980年代中期因成为第一个获得葡萄酒大师称号的酒圈外的人而成名。她同时也为金融时报撰写专栏,并拥有个人网站JancisRobinson.com。Jancis Robinson is a British wine writer and critic who rose to fame in the mid-1980s after becoming the first MW (Master of Wine) from outside the wine trade. She also writes a weekly column for the Financial Times as well as running her own website, JancisRobinson.com.她也经常会根据葡萄酒款在当下的表现以及陈年的潜力,为酒进行打分。她的20分评分体系如下,我们的这款深圳红酒进口商排名玛萨利干红葡萄酒获得了17分的高分。She regularly judges and gives wine ratings based on both how the wine was showing at the time of tasting and its potential to improve with age. Her 20-point wine scoring scale is as below where ColleMassari Montecucco Rosso Riserva scored a 17.